
  • Why is Ballymore Resources in the Dittmer community?

    We acquired the existing mining leases for the historic workings at the Dittmer Project Site in 2020 and three exploration licenses in the local area. The leases cover both exploration and mining activities.

    We are currently undertaking exploration work only at the site. This work does not include extraction or processing activities.

    Ballymore Resources has been active in the Dittmer community for the last four years. During that time, we have proactively engaged with the community regarding our work and proposed plans for the Dittmer Project Site.

    We also ensure when we are on-site or in the community, we engage and use local businesses and suppliers and always stay locally. Ballymore also have been actively supporting local charities and events such as the Proserpine show and Mayors charity ball

  • What is your purpose for being in this community?

    Extraction industries sit at the heart of regional communities across the country and in Queensland. The benefit to regional communities from our industry includes social, economic, and community growth.

    We want to ensure that, as a responsible citizen within the Dittmer and Proserpine communities, and as a local employer, we contribute to the positive and sustainable growth of these communities.

  • What activities are currently underway at the Dittmer Project Site?

    We are currently undertaking exploration work at the site. This work includes regional sampling and geophysics, as well as exploration drilling. This work does not include extraction or processing activities.

  • We’ve heard you do plan to extract gold at Dittmer and that’s why you’ve applied for an expanded mining lease

    Currently, our work at the site involves exploration activities only. We are not undertaking any form of extraction or processing.

    We currently hold a Mining Lease that covers the historic Dittmer Mine.  We have applied for an expansion to the lease to increase the area that we can explore from the old mine, and this application is currently being considered by the Queensland Government.   If the expanded lease is granted, it will allow us to conduct additional underground exploration work while minimising our surface footprint.

  • If you plan to extract gold in the future, how will the chemicals used in the extraction process impact groundwater?

    As shared previously, under our current Mining Lease Application (MLA) there is no processing or extraction currently proposed at the Dittmer site.

    Should this change, we will undertake an Environmental Authority (EA) amendment process in conjunction with the relevant government departments. This is a requirement under both State and Federal legislation and a major EA amendment will require more compliance and additional environmental studies completed before approval is granted.

    If extraction and processing is proposed in the future, we will work with the local community and government organisations to ensure we meet all our environmental and legislative obligations and we will use best practice methods of extraction available at that time.

  • Does processing, when it takes place, include cyanide leaching and backfilling of waste rock – how will you achieve this in an environmentally sensitive way?

    Currently, our work at the site involves exploration activities only, and we are not undertaking any form of extraction or processing.

    If extraction does take place in the future, we will use the available, best-practice extraction methods and work with the local community and government organisations to ensure we meet all our environmental and legislative obligations.

    Environmental monitoring is a condition of our EA and forms an integral part of assessing any impact on the surrounding environment.

    Water (surface waters and bores), dust and noise monitoring are all part of our ongoing works and is regularly audited by the relevant authorities.

  • Have you undertaken any Environmental studies to support the lease application?

    We take our responsibility to the environment surrounding the mine site very seriously and we are committed to having minimal environmental impact in the area,

    We have complied with all state legislation throughout the application process. and as such, a significant residual impact assessment was completed by an independent third party. This assessment has been submitted to the Department of Environment, Science, and Innovation as part of our MLA process. We have also conducted several hydrogeological and surface water studies and submitted as part of the lease application. These studies form the basis of our environment management plan which includes ongoing monitoring and assessment of environmental values of the site.

    An assessment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act has also been completed as part of the larger mining lease application in consultation with the Federal Environmental Department.

  • Have you undertaken studies that look at the high rainfall levels in the area? And how your activities at the mine could impact water supplies at peak times?

    We have completed a groundwater and surface water management plan. An independent and compliant third-party provider completed this work, and the plan addresses the management of surface and groundwater on-site.

    We have already installed several measures to improve the historic management of water on site and provide a better outcome for the surrounding waterways.

  • We understand Ballymore Resources received a $600k government grant. What is the funding for?

    We received a $300,000 exploration grant from the Queensland government and used this to undertake aerial surveys of the area around the Dittmer site.

    The aerial survey and details are available to the community through the State government’s Collaborative Exploration Initiative (CEI) process.

    The second $300,000 grant is for activities at a second site in North Queensland.

  • What about Traditional Owners? Have you consulted or engaged with them?

    We have completed an extensive Native Title duty of care assessment and have received no opposition from Traditional Owners through the legislated objection process.

    We are, however, committed to engaging with the nominated Traditional Owners and Land Council regularly to update them on our plans for the site.

  • What impact will your mining developments have on local flora, fauna, and habitats of endangered species that call Dittmer home?

    We take our responsibilities to the local environment and protected habitat surrounding the mine site seriously. We are committed to doing what we can to limit our environmental impact, this includes removing leftover material from the projects’s previous operations, using already established tracks, and minimising our surface footprint through underground operations.

    We have undertaken a significant residual impact and EPBC assessment relating to our proposed mining footprint. That assessment confirmed that there will be no residual impact on local flora, fauna, and habitats.

    All assessments have been provided to the relevant administering authority at both state and federal levels.

    The mining operations outlined in our MLA are primarily underground with minimal disturbance to surface areas.

  • How have you consulted and engaged with the community regarding the potential re-opening of the Dittmer mine and subsequent impacts on those residents?

    We have been working in and around the Dittmer community for the last four years and have developed a positive relationship with landowners, local businesses, and residents regarding our activities at the site.

    We are committed to contributing to the local community and economy. We have employed members of the local community and engaged several local contractors to undertake work on-site and we use local suppliers when on-site, we shop, eat, and stay locally.

    We look forward to continuing to collaborate with residents in the future and hope to contribute positively to the growth of the community.

    As always, our team is happy to have a chat, share information, and answer any questions the community might have about what we are doing at the mine site and our plans.

  • When will Ballymore Resources commence extraction at the Dittmer site?

    We are currently undertaking only exploration activities at the Dittmer site. This work will continue for the remainder of 2024. If anything changes, we will engage with residents to inform them about our plans for the Dittmer Mine site.